Monday 2 July 2012

Preliminary Task Inlays

For our Inlay or inside cover we wanted to continue theme of destruction and death. We drew up the outline of a grenade as we felt the was a symbol of war representing both death and destruction that most people would recognise. We then decided to shade sections of the grenade with our blood red to give the grenade even more of a destructive feel. We also added a personal message and an "trademark" art signature to portray a more personal relation ship between artist and audience member however by inserting the text "rest in blood" we remained the inlays destructive nature. 

Here is our alternative Inlay design. Once again we felt that the grey, white and black colour scheme wasn't as effective. We also decided to make the grenade taller and thinner, again we decided our chosen design was more realistic and was overall a better choice for the image we were trying to create. Having said this I personally do prefer the "rest in peace " text style compared to that of our chosen design as I actually believe that It would have been a better choice of design to incorporate.

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