In order for me to be able to create my own music video I will need to find both an artist and a song. Due to copyright restrictions I will either have to gain permission from the respective artist to use their song If it is indeed copyrighted or instead find some copyright free music. Personally I am going to try and gain permission from the Dubstep quartet Modestep to use one of their songs, the reason behind this Is because an Interest In creating a Dubstep video for my coursework and I also have two members of the band on Facebook In which I plan to message them both seeking their permission. However If this fails then I will start to also use sites such as Soundcloud and MySpace to seek copyright free music as an alternative.
I'm a 17 year old student who is very keen to get into the world of post production, with the ultimate goal of becoming an editor. This is my A2 Media Studies coursework blog.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Thursday, 9 August 2012
The Pretty Reckless

The band are represented as being an conventional Rock band however the band is fronted by a female which is not so common within Rock. The band often express themes of rebellion and destructive behaviour through their choices in costume, lyrics performance and lifestyle. The band have been described as "entertaining" as well as "Rock n Roll". The overall image of the band is an alternative American Rock band.
The image that The Pretty Reckless portrays is clear in the sense that they as previously mentioned they are seen as conventional rock band rebelling against rules and conformity. This can be seen in their choices of clothing especially that of Taylor Momsen the lead singer. Taylor is often seen wearing scruffy and rather revealing clothing that would not necessarily be accepted in normal day to day life. This is also reflected in her choices of clothing during live performances, most notably when she lifted her top up at the Reading Festival in 2009 revealing to crosses across her nipples. The band as whole after often seen together and wearing similar clothing that is conventional within the Rock genre such as dark jeans and black t-shirts. Most band members also sport a long messy hairstyle which was extremely popular within rock during 60's, 70's and 80's.
In The Pretty Reckless music videos they are seen as rebelling towards the norm. This is most obvious with the fact that the bands front star is a women and this is not necessarily something that is found within the Rock genre, however she conducts herself in such a way that makes her appealing to Rock audience. There is reverse of sex appeal also as a result of this as male Rock fans will be attracted her where as female audience members may be attracted to the rest of the band. There videos display performance which relates to their live performance and concerts. They also display behaviour that is not necessarily accepted by the majority of people such as drug abuse and swearing. Having said this their videos still attract a large number of views and positive feedback.

In live performances and concert sets the band are seen as "lively and "energetic" and that they are good at putting on a real show with the use of explosive lighting. They are very passionate when performing and it is often clear they are enjoying what they do. They provide a stereotypical image Mise en Scene within Rock often seen wearing dark clothing that often matches with one another such as all wearing black jeans however Taylor is often seen wearing short skirts or other items of clothing that both represent Rock but are also rather revealing.
Reasons behind choices in camera, editing, costume and props within The Pretty Reckless's video My Medicine are made in my opinion to reflect the bands lifestyle and personality. There are strong references throughout the video to rebellious or even illegal behaviour whether it be the taking of illegal substances of the shot of the women opening the door topless at the begging of the video. This sort of lifestyle of drinking, performing, the taking of drugs and having sex is common within the genre of Rock and is clearly being portrayed in this video. There are of a variety of camera shots during the video from different angles focusing on the behaviour of Taylor throughout the video and the performance of the band, some of the shots have been edited to give a disorientated or intoxicated effect. There are fast cuts also that keep in time with the video being edited mostly on the beat. There video is mostly narrative based but switches between performance also. It obvious that Taylor is the main focus of the video and this is represented both through the camera shots but also the Mise en Scene. At the start of the video she is seen wearing a dark leather jacket, but as the music begins she takes of the jacket to reveal a colour looking dress which stands out from the rest of the people within the video and enforces her as the main focus of the video. Most of the other people within the video are seen wearing stereotypical Rock clothing which the bands audience will be able to relate to. The overall impression of the video is that the band are truly living the Rock lifestyle.
In conclusion the band are represented as being an old school Rock band that are living the true Rock lifestyle through their choices of costume, live performance, music videos and the way the present themselves mainly within the video. They have a mostly good reputation among the press and have gained respect within the music industry after becoming growingly successful over the past two years. They have a loyal fan base as they can easily relate to them which is important for the band as they look to grow even bigger over the next 12 months.
Ben Howard
Ben Howard is represented as being an Indie artist who had made his own success. The overall perception of him is a "nice guy" "talented" a "gentlemen" and "keeps himself to himself". Ben has be compared to similar artists in the Indie genre such as Ed Sheeran.
Ben is a modest individual and this is seen clearly In many of his music videos, live performances as well as magazine articles and interviews. Ben's international image is growing rapidly as a result of this, people look up to him and see him as an inspiration and an idol. Ben is often captured In photographs looking relaxed and composed, he has a very chilled out personality.
The type of clothing than he can often be seen wearing usually consists of jumpers, checkered shirts, skinny jeans and t-shirts. This is commonly found among most Indie artists, Ben's audience and fans we relate to this as they will dress similar to him and the latest Indie fashion craze. Ben also has a similar hairstyle to that of Ed Sheeran as well, a "messy" hair look a cut that is fashionable among most modern Indie artist today. The fact Ben also plays the acoustic guitar also emphasizes his Indie background as well as and folk/acoustic roots.

Ben's reputation among the press Is very good, he is respected for being a "talented musician". He has a large fan base with over 100,000 followers on Twitter @benhowardmusic which he can regularly update with news on new work and performances. Ben keeps himself to himself and is very much "friends with everyone" and is well respected within the music industry, he also conducts himself professionally and honestly in interviews which makes him more approachable as a person as a result as his audiences can relate to him through his behaviour.
Ben's live performances or concert sets usually very simple and consist of him simply standing In front of an audience or crowd playing his acoustic guitar and singing, this is a very personal way of performing to fans and audiences. Ben usually dresses in T-shirts and jeans, when performing, he wears casual fashionable clothes that his audience can relate to and has his own style that is key convention of the indie genre.
Reasons behind choices in camera, editing, set, costume and props within Ben's video Keep Your Head Up are chosen to reflect Ben's hard working attitude and how he has worked hard for his place in the music industry, for example the opening shots are shots of Ben on his own carrying a shovel and a bail of hay. This could represent Ben's work as an independent artist and how he has worked his way into the music industry. The video is narrative based and set and choices of prop reflect a hard working individual who he seen to be working hard as well as having fun with friends. The choices of Mise en Scene reflect Ben as a person as he seen wearing a T-shirt and jeans which he is commonly seen wearing in day to day life and during live performances. The editing of the video is typical of the Indie genre, there is shifting of focus through out and the shots have been given a vintage feel to them, this is a key Indie genre convention. The overall impression of this video is that Ben has worked hard for his success, however, has had a lot of fun along the way.
In conclusion to this I believe Ben is portrayed as a well liked individual who has worked hard for his place within the music industry and has gained a large amount of respect as a result. He has a loyal fan base who continue to support him as he grows as an artist, this is largely down to how easily Ben's audience can relate to him whether it be through his choices in clothing or the lyrics he writes.

The band are represented as being modern idols of the music industry as well "cool" "awesome" "exciting" and "down to earth", they are seen by many as being a bunch of friends "living the dream".
Throughout their live performances, music videos and interviews this is portrayed immensely. I have two members of the band on Facebook and they constantly talk about how much they enjoy what they are doing as well as how much they appreciate it. The Mise en Scene within the band is very clear cut, band are often seen to be wearing fashionable and modern clothing, each member of the band has their own unique style which compliment each others performance. Members of the band can often be seen wearing Jeans and T-Shirts and other types of clothing loosely related to the modern Rock genre, a genre they have also been attributed to with their more recent single "To The Stars". This will appeal greatly to their audiences and fans. At least two members of the band have very visible tattoos and this could represent as sort or rebellious side of the band again loosely linked to the Rock genre again this will appeal to audiences. The band are also however often seen joking together and having fun again this will also appeal. However In their music videos they are seen as very focused and their passion can be seen very clearly through the use of Live performance. This could well be done to show that are not just doing what they are doing for just "fun" and that they are focused and determined to succeed. Tony and Josh, the vocalist and DJ within the band are seen as the front runners and this evident In videos and Interviews as they are seen as the main two individuals within the band. Modestep are often captured on video or by photograph joking around together or performing in front on fans on stage, both of which will appeal to their audiences and fans.

Personally I have never read or been told about a bad story written about Modestep they have a good reputation with the press and although they have a Twitter account @modestep they post appropriately and do not draw any criticisms or bad publicity as a result. The band often keep themselves to themselves and don't go looking for trouble. When searching "modestep" in Google it returns 2,700,000 results in 0.19 this shows how much Modestep have grown in the past few years in the sense that they are a big name online. Their website is one of the top searches and Is a way fans can keep up to date with the band. They also have a Facebook page. Newspapers often praise Modestep especially the London Metro as of course the band are from London and London wants to show off it's talent. Modestep are regarded among the majority of the press as highly talented.
Concert sets are usually very loud and include impressive light shows, they perform both their own songs as well as covers. I have personally seen Modestep live myself and the energy they put into their performance Is incredible and greatly enjoyable. They are portrayed as lively and seem very passionate about their performance. There Mise en Scene at concerts again is that usually of T-shirts, jeans, hoodies and shirts clothing that is modern and their audiences will be able to relate to this as they will dress very similar to the band itself. Tony however can always been seen wearing his trademark Modestep mask, the mask Is the bands logo and gives the band an image to sell, fans can buy mock up masks similar to Tony making them feel part of the band. It could be argued that the mask Is loosely related to others seen worn by Slipknot and other Thrash or Heavy metal bands, both sub-genres of Rock. The band also like to have a joke and a laugh with their audience as well as putting 100% into the show.
Reasons behind choices in camera, editing, set, costume and props within Modestep's music video for "Feel Good" are to compliment the bands image and personality. For example there are strong references throughout the video to the bands trademark logo via the use of props such as the famous Modestep mask and a record player seen with their logo on it at the end. This publicizes the bands image and identity. There are a variety of camera shots containing the band performing the plays reference to the bands famous live performances. The editing seen In the video Is fast especiallyas the video progresses, there are cuts between performance and narrative throughout which again empahises the influence of the bands music and there live performances seen through close ups of a crowd dancing whilst they perform. The Mise en Scene or costume within the video is once again T-shirts and jeans, the audience in the video can also be seen wearing similar clothing. This represents the relationship between audience and band. The fans of the band will be able to easily relate to this as they look up to the band. However Tony is not wearing his trademark mask, this could be so the audience can see his true identity as this is their first official video. The overall Impression given by the video in that Modesteps music Is
like a drug and people are addicted to the way it makes them feel and
In conclusion to this I believe that Modestep are portrayed as being as being a well liked and approachable band with a good reputation among the press and a loyal fan base as a result. They are made up of various elements for example each member of the band brings something different to the table. Fans and audiences can easily relate to them as a result of this and the types of clothing they are seen wearing. Modestep are passionate and exciting and I personally predict big things for them in the future.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Progress From AS To A2
Before starting AS Media Studies I already had a strong interest in the media world of post production. Since completing my AS I feel my interest has grown hugely and I have learnt a lot from my experiences over the past year. Throughout my AS course I felt as If I was learning all the time and that I was progressing in parallel to this learning. I was able to discover a wide range of terminology that I didn't previous know, this was extremely useful and I will also be able to carry all that I learnt over into this years course. I had also never used software before such as Final Cut Express and I had no previous experience of Blogger so being introduced to these was a new and exciting experience for me and I feel I learnt a lot from It. I felt I was able to perform consistently and to a satisfactory standard throughout the year, I enjoyed the practical side of the coursework the most and felt my passion and creative vision helped my group to achieve. I enjoyed working with my coursework group last year and felt we worked together as a team helping each other progress throughout the course.
One of my strongest points of the year I feel came when we starting editing our Thriller opening, editing is my passion and I feel I was able to excel In this area of the course. Not only this but I was also able to learn along the way learning how to use new software such as Final Cut Express. This Is something I feel I will be able to bring to this years A2 course and now having used the software before I will be able to use my skills as well as vision and creativity to a greater standard. I also feel that the detail I was able to express within my blog posts last year not only helped myself but also the rest of my group, this Is something I also look forward to bringing to this years A2 course. I feel my evaluation and analysis improved greatly over the duration of the course and is another one of my strong points.
One of my weaker points however would have to be my essay writing. I feel my essays improved throughout the course but having said this I still regard them to be a weak point of mine having said this for the exam I made sure I did plenty of revision so that I was able to include all the relevant information when It came to the exam, after numerous practice essays I felt that I had improved greatly. I made sure I was also clued up on all my terminology for the exam which I feel also helped me out greatly.
I feel I have learned a great deal already this year from the two practical tasks. I feel that from the re-creation of the opening minute of Ed Sheerans Small Bump I have learn the most. I've learnt about the importance of checking that equipment is setup correctly before filming, checking the lighting of shots before starting to film Is something I have learned. During my AS course I didn't have to deal with these kind of problems and I think as a result I was slightly naive In the sense that everything would just work however having this happen In our Preliminary Task is of great benefit as It means we can learn from all our mistakes In preparation for creating our own music video later on in the course. Other factors to think about were the steadiness of some of our shots as well as the framing of shots also. I was most disappointed because we had spent a lot of time planning the video and seeking permission to use our desired location, nevertheless I pleased that we can still take a lot away from the video itself. The Digipack was better and I was pleased with our overall finished product however I believe that given more time we could have created a much better front and back cover as well as including more inlays. We also spent a long time planning our as we drew up some preliminary designs before scanning in the images we wanted to use and them editing them into our Digiapck. As a result we were able to capture many of the key conventions of the Thrash Metal genre within our Digipack however we could have been more In depth with some of our designs. Once again I am pleased that this has happened In the Preliminary Task so we can learn and develop In time for the creation of our own Digipack In the future. I fell will be ready to create a more detailed and In depth Digipack.
From the research and planning I feel I've also learn a lot, from my AS I learnt that It was important to get as much research and planning done In as much detail as well so that when It comes to filming for example you know exactly what your doing and your able to justify why you are doing it. During my AS we didn't plan very much for our Preliminary and as result it was very poor however we were able to evaluate this and learn a lot from it. This is something I can carry over Into my A2 course. Although we planned more for our A2 Preliminary Tasks It became clear that even more planning and research was needed, this is something I will be taking great care with when It comes to the rest of my A2 course. From AS I had seen what a lack of planning results In so I knew that for the rest of my AS I would make sure that plenty of planning and research was done and this helped us to achieve high marks In our Thriller opening. Once again this is something I will be carrying over into my A2 work.
In conclusion to this I believe that from AS to A2 I have made great progress In all aspects of the course, research and planning, using the equipment, using the software and websites such as blogger as well as analysis and evaluation of my work. I also feel my essay writing has improved and this is very important especially for when it comes to the exam.
One of my strongest points of the year I feel came when we starting editing our Thriller opening, editing is my passion and I feel I was able to excel In this area of the course. Not only this but I was also able to learn along the way learning how to use new software such as Final Cut Express. This Is something I feel I will be able to bring to this years A2 course and now having used the software before I will be able to use my skills as well as vision and creativity to a greater standard. I also feel that the detail I was able to express within my blog posts last year not only helped myself but also the rest of my group, this Is something I also look forward to bringing to this years A2 course. I feel my evaluation and analysis improved greatly over the duration of the course and is another one of my strong points.
One of my weaker points however would have to be my essay writing. I feel my essays improved throughout the course but having said this I still regard them to be a weak point of mine having said this for the exam I made sure I did plenty of revision so that I was able to include all the relevant information when It came to the exam, after numerous practice essays I felt that I had improved greatly. I made sure I was also clued up on all my terminology for the exam which I feel also helped me out greatly.
I feel I have learned a great deal already this year from the two practical tasks. I feel that from the re-creation of the opening minute of Ed Sheerans Small Bump I have learn the most. I've learnt about the importance of checking that equipment is setup correctly before filming, checking the lighting of shots before starting to film Is something I have learned. During my AS course I didn't have to deal with these kind of problems and I think as a result I was slightly naive In the sense that everything would just work however having this happen In our Preliminary Task is of great benefit as It means we can learn from all our mistakes In preparation for creating our own music video later on in the course. Other factors to think about were the steadiness of some of our shots as well as the framing of shots also. I was most disappointed because we had spent a lot of time planning the video and seeking permission to use our desired location, nevertheless I pleased that we can still take a lot away from the video itself. The Digipack was better and I was pleased with our overall finished product however I believe that given more time we could have created a much better front and back cover as well as including more inlays. We also spent a long time planning our as we drew up some preliminary designs before scanning in the images we wanted to use and them editing them into our Digiapck. As a result we were able to capture many of the key conventions of the Thrash Metal genre within our Digipack however we could have been more In depth with some of our designs. Once again I am pleased that this has happened In the Preliminary Task so we can learn and develop In time for the creation of our own Digipack In the future. I fell will be ready to create a more detailed and In depth Digipack.
From the research and planning I feel I've also learn a lot, from my AS I learnt that It was important to get as much research and planning done In as much detail as well so that when It comes to filming for example you know exactly what your doing and your able to justify why you are doing it. During my AS we didn't plan very much for our Preliminary and as result it was very poor however we were able to evaluate this and learn a lot from it. This is something I can carry over Into my A2 course. Although we planned more for our A2 Preliminary Tasks It became clear that even more planning and research was needed, this is something I will be taking great care with when It comes to the rest of my A2 course. From AS I had seen what a lack of planning results In so I knew that for the rest of my AS I would make sure that plenty of planning and research was done and this helped us to achieve high marks In our Thriller opening. Once again this is something I will be carrying over into my A2 work.
In conclusion to this I believe that from AS to A2 I have made great progress In all aspects of the course, research and planning, using the equipment, using the software and websites such as blogger as well as analysis and evaluation of my work. I also feel my essay writing has improved and this is very important especially for when it comes to the exam.
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