Thursday 21 June 2012

Rihanna Loud Digipack Analysis

Following on from my previous Digipack analysis, I decided to another analysis of Rihanna's - Loud album:

Loud is Rihanna's 5th studio album and was released by Def Jam records on November 12th 2010. The  Digipack appeals to both Rihanna's female and male audience members but in different ways. The album cover Is extremely feminine. Rihanna's face is the focus, her hair, make up and facial expressions  all represent great beauty, however they also ooze sex appeal. For example, Rihanna's bright red lipstick could be seen as a sign of beauty or innocence, however it could also be seen as sex appeal to some certain parts of her audience, this is further developed with the showing of her bare shoulder  this combined with both her red hair and lipstick create a sense of sexual interest and this is something which will appeal greatly to her male audience members. However her female audience members will also appreciate these features of Rihanna displayed on the front as they will instead interpret it as a sign or symbol or Rihanna's beauty. The same could be said for Rihanna's facial expression, It could be seen as quite a shy or innocent expression where as it could also be seen as a more sexual expression, her line of sight is not in contact with the camera instead she appears to be drawing focus on her bare shoulder which as previously mentioned could be seen as a representation of sexual interest again appealing to her male audience. The text is very simple, it's bold to grab the audiences attention, the white stands out well against the pink and the colour of Rihanna's skin and it effective way of making sure they audience know the title of the album. Rihanna has left her name off the front cover, this is risky but is relying on the fact that people already know who she is. There is some symbolism of wealth through the ear ring that can be seen behind her hair, this gives the impression she has money to spend on jewellery and that she values jewellery. This and the tattoo on her neck add a more personal touch to the cover as tattoos and jewellery are quite personal, this will appeal more to her female audience members. Having said this I believe that her front cover appeals more to her male audience as it is quite sexual having said this will also appeal to her female audience as they will connect with Rihanna's longing to look sexy and desirable, they will also relate to Rihanna as looking both beautiful and innocent through the image presented.

The Inside cover of the album is very similar to that of the front however more of Rihanna is exposed, she can been wearing a dress and laying in a field of red flowers, continuing the red or pink colour seen which can again be represented as beauty and very feminine. However she can be seen wearing a low cut top which again makes reference to sex appeal. The CD covers themselves are that also of pink flowers which can be seen as both personal and feminine, appealing to her female audience members. 

The back cover is very different to the front. Rihanna can be seen In a different outfit, this time you can see her whole body and she is looking directly at the camera. She can be seen striking quite a sexual pose and there is more skin on show, what this shows is that the sex appeal is very much still there. The fact that Rihanna is looking at the camera means that It's more personal this could be linked the song list to the left of the back cover, implying the personal side to some of her songs. The songlist and text on the back cover is very subtle, very simple. It's very obvious that the back cover is focused very much on Rihanna and less so about her songs. The legal documentation, websites on how to contact Rihanna and a barcode are visible on the back cover also as would be expected. 

I believe that It is important for to understand as much as I can about Digipacks so I can best prepare myself for when I have to create my own. I feel by analysing Digipacks such as this one I will benefit with my understanding of the meaning behind certain elements within a front or back cover and this will really help when it comes to planning and designing my own Digipack. 

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