Tuesday 26 June 2012

Preliminary Task Digipack Ideas

After researching and analysing numerous Thrash Metal Digipacks It became clear to me and the group I had been placed into for the Preliminary Tasks that when designing our own Thrash Metal Digipack It would need to include a number elements of such as destruction, death, graphic imagery as well as a distinctive text style or font. Including these key elements would enable us to create a Digipack as close to the real thing as possible and proving understanding of the genre enabling us to obtain full marks available. Here are some of our Preliminary ideas:

I believe it is important to draw up a variety of designs and images and then decide on a suitable creation rather than just designing one cover and sticking with it. This will help us to create a more professional Digipack and something we can learn from when It comes to designing future Digipacks. 

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