Friday 29 June 2012

Preliminary Task Digipack Artist Name

After researching a number of Trash Metal artist names, as a group we have decided that our Digipack artist will be called Hostile Forces. Many of the Thrash Metal artists we researched such as Megadeth and Slayer have names that compliment the genre, including the classic conventional elements such as death and destruction, we also found that Thrash Metal artist names are usually between one and two words. Hostile Forces, incorporates both these elements, hostile representing hostility and destruction and forces representing the military and destruction.

Here is a list of other potential artist names we rejected: 

Forceable Hostility 
Military Force 
Venomous Sin 
Blood Bath 
No Mercy 
Killers Revenge 

Researching potential artist names was very useful when it came to choosing Hostile Forces as it helped us with our understanding of Thrash Metal artist names and help us to choose an appropriate and meaningful name. 

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