Thursday 20 September 2012

Research Into Rock Genre Conventions

Today I decided to create a more detailed post about the key genre conventions of Rock. This will of great use to us when to comes to designing and creating our music video. After looking at a variety of music videos from the Rock genre, here is what I found.

Camera's Used

Most rock video's feature some form or journey or behind the scenes footage. This makes the band look more approachable and is exciting for audiences to watch and enjoy. Rock videos are usually shot with a mixture of cameras from handheld to add an authentic concert feel, to powerful HD cameras to capture the band performing or on stage.

Shot Types 

Rock videos usually contain a variety of shot types from extreme close ups to long shots, with the use of handheld shots and well as heavy focus on the playing of instruments as well as lip sync. These are very important within a rock video.

Costume Worn

Most artists within the Rock genre are male, as result of this the costume worn is usually jeans, shirts  and T-shirts often seen worn by the likes of Nickleback however, The Killers are often seen wearing blazers also. The type of costume that used to be seen a lot in Rock music videos was skin tight lycra, tights and vests this was seen as very Rock and Roll and was extremely fashionable. Nowadays artists are usually seen wearing similar clothing, thats simple for example a whole band may be wearing black T-shirts with jeans. Most of what is worn an audience can relate to, an example of jeans that might be worn by Rockstars of today might be Levi. 

Editing Techniques 

Usually cutting between behind the scenes and performance, cutting on the beat to keep the tempo and mood of the video consistent. Special effects are sometimes used to add more of a dynamic edge to the video.


There aren't many props within Rock videos, however, instruments could be classed as a prop of which there are many such as guitar and drums. However some rock music videos to contain a mixture of props for example the video for Red Hot Chili Peppers Can't Stop contains a variety of props such a lights and wheelie bins. Amplifiers are often used as props as well as mic stands and drum risers.

Locations Used 

Rock music videos usually contain one or two locations, mostly backstage or setting up as well as live performance. However sometimes Rock videos are based in a studio such as Foo Fighters The Pretender. Not only this but some Rock videos are also at a party or outside such as Nickleback's This Afternoon.


There are a number of instruments commonly found within Rock videos, these consist of drums, guitar, bass guitar as well as keyboards and microphones. There is often heavy focus on the playing of these instruments so they are key to the making of a good video. Some artists may use a synth or two lead guitars. There are variety of instrument combinations that can be found within Rock music videos.


There is often bright lots of bright lights and flashes seen in Rock videos especially when the band is performing. Sometimes lighting is enhanced with the use of special effects to create more of a concert feel. The colours within Rock videos are usually dark and deep and are used to create the mood or tempo of a particular video.

Overall Impression 

Most artists within Rock videos give off the impression they are living the dream, always smiling and loving what they're doing. Most narratives are the band having fun behind the scenes and enjoying their performance to audiences. This is usually included in Rock music videos to appeal to the target audience so they can relate with the artist as many Rock fans are also in their own band. Rock stars are also seen as being free and being able to do whatever they please. 

From this I have be able to learn more about the details behind Rock videos and how they are put together as well as the types of shots, props and general concept of a Rock music video. This will very useful when it comes to creating own as I will have a better understanding of how they work and I will be able to pass this onto the rest of my group. 

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