There are a a variety of artists similar to ours these include the likes of Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Killers, Bon Jovi, Nirvana, Nickleback, Guns N' Roses, Linkin Park, Van Halen, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Def Leppard. I have decided to look at the demographics and audiences of some of these artists as it will be useful when trying to identify our target audience.

Firstly I decided to look at Red Hot Chilli Peppers otherwise known as RHCP and began looking at one of their YouTube videos. I chose to look at the video Tell Me Baby which as almost 6,000,000 views. This provides evidence that the band have a large audience or fan base. The video is also a memorable and could be the reason why it has attracted so many views as audience members have watched it several times for the enjoyment factor of watching the video paired with the enjoyment of listening to the band.
The most popular viewing location for this video is Italy followed by Brazil and then Argentina. Males aged between 13-17 are the most popular sex and age group. This is also followed by Males aged between 18-24 and females aged between 13-17.
The majority of the videos views have come from manual searches into YouTube. What this shows is that the audience already know what they want to listen to and they also know how to find it. This paired with the varied viewing locations provides evidence that band has a big global audience, this is relatable to our own artist Raided By Waves as this is something that they aspire to. Not only this but over 500,000 views have also come from video referrals from other RHCP videos, again this shows that the audience have an idea of what they want to listen as they know the bands music and know they are going to be entertained either through the music, video or both. This is also an example of active audiences.

The band have almost 20 million likes on their Facebook page which is huge audience. The most popular age group that interacts with this page is 18-24. Not only this but the bands most popular city for this page is Tel Aviv in Israel, once again this provides strong evidence that the band have large global fan base, that through media platforms such as Facebook they can communicate with.
The band also has a Twitter page, however, they have far less followers than they do likes on their Facebook page. Nevertheless this is still a huge audience that the band have attracted. The reason for there being more likes on their Facebook Page could be down to the fact that the majority of their fans are aged between 18-24 and use Facebook as opposed to Twitter.
In conclusion to this It is clear that RHCP have a large fan base worldwide. As previously mentioned this is what Raided By Waves are hoping to achieve and therefore share similar ambition to most Rock artists, to be playing in front of thousands of fans. RHCP main audience is between the ages of 18-24. The band have both female and male fans and as a result of this I would conclude that the band appeal to a global mixed audience of both males and females that are in there late teens, early twenties.

Next I looked at Nirvana and started by looking at their most famous video, Smells Like Teen Spirit. This video has attracted a huge audience as it has almost 100 million views. Once again it is clear that the band appeal to a large audience and loyal fan base as the video has watched over and over again by fans several times. The fact that Nirvana are no longer together may also be part of the reasoning behind why this video has so many views as fans want or are able to relive old memories. The video is also quite rebellious and this is something the majority of it's audience may relate to.
The most popular viewing location for this video is Poland, followed by Portugal and Mexico. The most popular age and sex group was Female aged between 13-17. This was then accompanied by Males aged between 13-17 years and Males 18-24 years.

Once again and similar to RHCP, Nirvana have received most of their views for this video through audience members searching into YouTube what they want to listen to, this again paired with the varied viewing locations provides evidence that Nirvana are well established once again have a large global audience. The fact the majority of viewers for this video are female could be the fact that when together the band posted a great degree of sex appeal within their appearance and their music videos. Finally the fact that over 3,000,000 views have come from a mobile device provides more evidence that the band has a large degree of younger fans aged between 13-18 as they are often using their phones in every day life to listen to music and watch music videos.

The band also have has a large number of fans or audience members that have liked their Facebook Page. The most popular age group again being 18-24 year olds, providing more evidence that the band has a mostly teenage and student fan base. The most popular country was again Mexico this shows that the band have strong support from South America providing more evidence for their worldwide fan base.

The band also have a Twitter page with over 100,000 followers. The average age of these followers was between 18-24. And provides similar analysis to that of RHCP Twitter page.
In conclusion to this I believe that Nirvana appeal to both a female and male audience. They like RHCP have a large global audience which is something Raided By Waves currently do not have but want to have in the future. The majority of the bands audience members are aged between 17-24 however It may be that some of the bands older fans to not use the media platforms I have looked. Nevertheless based on the information I have found the band appeals mostly to a teenage and student audience members.

Finally I decided to look at Nickleback and chose to analyse the statistics for their video How You Remind Me. The video has over 40 million views and like the two previous artists before provides evidence of the band having a large audience. The video also has an entertaining narrative and could be the reason why it has attracted so many views as audience members have watched numerous times for the enjoyment factor of watching the video as well as the enjoyment of listening to the band. Similar to RHCP.

The top viewing location for this video was in fact The United States, followed by Brazil and the United Kingdom. The most popular age group and sex being again Females aged between 13-17, however Males 13-17 and Males 18-24 also feature.
The majority of the videos views have come from other related Nickleback video referrals. This shows that audience members enjoying listening to a variety of the bands music. Not only this but similar to RHCP and Nirvana there is evidence that audience members have manually searched for the song, proving that audience members know what it is they want to listen to and know how to find it. This again shows that the band are well established and as a result have a reliable fan base.

The band have nearly 15 million likes on their Facebook Page. The most popular age group again being 18-24 year olds, providing more evidence that the band has a mostly teenage and student fan base. The most popular country was in fact Brazil, this shows that the band also have strong support from South America.
The band also has almost 400,000 views on it's
Twitter page. This again is a huge audience and shows a loyal fan base. The majority of their followers are aged between 17 and 24. Like RHCP The reason for there being more likes on their Facebook Page could be down to the fact that the majority of their fans use Facebook as opposed to Twitter as it is more popular among late teens and students.
In conclusion to this I believe Nickleback are an extremely well established band across the world especially in the United States and the UK. The majority of the bands fans or audience members are aged between 17-24. The band appeal to both female and male audiences, however, judging from my research the band appeals mainly to females which could be down to the bands sex appeal to the female audience. Overall the band appeal to a mainly teenage and student based audience, this may be because this type of audience can easily relate to the band through lyrics and so on.
This research is very useful as it gives us a better idea of our target audience and what appeals to them. It also provides us with key evidence of how to market our products in order to attract our target audience which will be extremely helpful and also very useful to look back on.