Tuesday 18 September 2012

Andrew Goodwins Theory

In todays lesson we were introduced to media theorist Andrew Goodwin. Goodwin has a variety of different theories but today we learnt about his theory in relation to music videos. There are several key points that Goodwin makes and these are as follows:

  • The relationship between video and the song itself, cutting rate and whether or not the video is cut on the beat, focus on certain instruments as and if the relationship or link between video and song is contradicting or complementary.
  • The difference in music video concepts for example, performance or narrative based videos. 
  • The relationship between the lyrics and visual images within a video, do the words or lyrics link to what is being displayed on screen. 
  • How genre is represented through music videos, visual representation and general interpretation of a genre's characteristics and conventions. 
  • Intertextual references to artists or products within a video as well as media texts and references to separate videos. 
  • How record labels mould artists and present them in certain ways through regular recurring motifs and focus on the artist. 
  • Insight into an artists life through Voyeurism as well as the use of mirrors and screens within a video and other people watching the artist. 
  • Voyeuristic approach to the female body and how It is portrayed within music videos. 

Personally I believe It is important to understand Goodwins theory as it may prove useful in understanding how to analyse and breakdown music videos in preparation for planning and creating our own. 

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