Wednesday 12 September 2012

Artist Choice

The artist we have chosen to use for our music video, digipack and magazine article is Modestep. I previously wrote a post about Modestep when looking at potential artists, they are a live Dubstep quartet from London and formed In 2010. On February 7 2011 Modestep released their debut single "Feel Good" in the UK. The band are currently In the last phase of completing their debut album "Evolution Theory" which is expected to be released later this year. 

The reason we have decided to choose Modestep is simple; they fit nicely Into the Genre of Dubstep which we have also chosen, each member of our group enjoys the music they produce and as well as this I also have two members of the band on Facebook, which will be extremely useful when trying to obtain permission to use their music or even have them perform for us and take part In a photo shoot for our magazine article and digipack. 

As a group we decided that we want to use music that people will know and enjoy, however, a majority of this sort of music is copyrighted. By choosing Modestep we are giving ourselves the best chance possible of gaining permission to use copyrighted music, having two members of the band on Facebook means that communicating with them will be a lot easier and hopefully successful.

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