Wednesday 12 September 2012

Genre Choice

The chosen Genre that our Group has decided to use is Dubstep. We decided to choose this particular Genre as each member of our Group has an extended knowledge about Dubstep and what It's key conventions are the types of artists that represent. Not only this but I personally have a variety of contacts within the Dubstep Industry which could prove extremely useful when It comes to obtaining permission to using copyrighted music, acquiring a band or musician to perform during our music video as well as being a part of our Digipack and Magazine article.

In conclusion to this decision I believe that by choosing to use the Genre of Dubstep we are giving ourselves a better chance of scoring highly within the coursework, as a group by choosing Dubstep we will be able to work together effectively and exploit our creative skills successfully In order to produce a professional video, digipack and magazine article.

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