Wednesday 19 September 2012

Raided By Waves Demographics

Raided By Waves formally known as JB3 and their song Secret Sin are what we have chosen to use for our chosen artist and song. The three piece rock trio are located in Harlow Essex and are made up of lead singer James Bennett, drummer Charlie Caine and bassist Navid Asghari. A fellow student recommended we listened to the band and after listening to a variety of songs on their soundcloud and doing some further research we decided they were a great choice. The band use a variety of social networking sites connect with fans as well as websites such as soundcloud to post new music and their own personal website to sell merchandise. 

The band has 70 followers on Twitter, this may seem small compared to big mainstream artists, however, as the band has only recently started up this is a good turn out. The band are able to communicate with their fans, by tweeting them support or simply receiving updates about what the band are doing as well as tour dates and future plans. The majority of the bands followers were male aged between 18-35.

The band also has a YouTube channel, however once again as the band have only recently started up they have posted many videos and have only attracted 2 subscribers both of which were male aged between 18-35. Nevertheless the band have still gained over 250 views, this is important as the more views the band receives the more well known they will become and the bigger the band will be as a consequence. The band have the option of sharing new songs and videos with fans via the use of YouTube which can be extremely effective when posting new content or when trying to expand or grow as a band. 

The band have attracted almost 160 likes on their Facebook page which is extremely encouraging for a band that as previously mentioned has just started out. The majority of fans who've liked this page are again male and aged between 18-34, however, there were a number of females who have also liked the page. The most popular city that band are being supported from is London which makes sense as they gig there a lot. Facebook is extremely useful to the band as once again they are able to post updates, share new content as well as post photo's and also create events for concerts and gigs. Fans are also able to communicate with the band giving them support and feedback. The band use this page a lot to keep their fans up to date with everything.

Raided By Waves also have their own website which fans can use to purchase merchandise and find more out about the band.

The band also has a mailing list which fans can subscribe to so they can receive any new information  or updates. Fans can also see up coming shows. As the prime users of this website would be fans of the band the majority of people that have visited will be male aged between 18-35.

It is clear that the band use a variety of different internet based media platforms. Another one of these is soundcloud. This is where the band primarily upload all of their songs for fans to listen to and enjoy. The band have received numerous views on a variety of their tracks which is impressive, the majority of the bands feedback and views has indeed come from males, however, the majority of the bands followers on soundcloud are female.

I believe that by looking at Raided By Waves Demographics I am able to understand better their fan base and how they communicate with their fans. Not only this but It also to try and identify the type of audience member that fits into the genre of rock. This will be useful when designing and creating our music video.

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