Wednesday 12 September 2012

Genre Representation

In today's lesson we looked at Genre Representation and learnt about how Genre's are represented differently and how each of them have a variety of unique conventions. For example Acoustic would be based around an Acoustic Instrument and Dubstep around a heavy bass-line and fast tempo.

During todays lesson, we were given the task of listing as many different Genre's as we could in the space of a minute, here are some of the Genre's that I came up with:

Rock, Jazz, Rap, Grime, Country, Punk, Pop, Dubstep, Dance, Indie, Soul, Folk, Reggae, Classical, Alternative, Acoustic, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Grunge, Garage, R&B.

Media theorist David Buckingham states "Genre is not simply given by the culture, rather, it is in a constant process of negotiation and change".

Personally I believe It is important to understand the differences between Genre's and how each of them are represented. It is also Important to understand David Buckinghams theory of Genre's can adapt and change over time, giving the word "Genre" more flexibility with the notion that Indie today maybe very different to the Indie In 10 years time. I believe this will all be extremely useful when It comes to Identifying our own audience In preparation for the creation of our music video, digipack and magazine article. We will be able to relate our artist to a specific Genre and adapt how we portray our artist accordingly.

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