Album: American Idiot
Subject: A fist holding a bleeding grenade shaped like a heart.
Colours: White and black text, dark black background. The colours make the text and imagery stand out, they also provide an element of destruction and violence as the red blood can be seen dripping from the grenade, this is a common theme represented within the Rock genre.
Font: Big bold fonts that stand out and grab the audiences attention. "american idiot" being the title of the album in lower case compared to 'GREEN DAY" being all in capitals to draw greater focus.
Editing: The colours have been edited so that they stand out and enforce the imagery that is being shown, for example the heart shaped grenade being the main focus of the cover has been edited to give the effect it is bleeding to enforce the impression upon the audience that it is a heart, a heart can represent both life and death, with the heart bleeding and a common theme within Rock being death and and rebellion it is relatable to the genre.
Symbolism: Destruction and violence shown via the bleeding grenade, rebellious towards "american" way of life. Rebelling against the norm.
Composition: The text is on the left hand side of the image with the main focus being the hand and grenade just off centre.
Props: Heart shaped grenade used to represent life and death.
Artist: Foo Fighters
Album: Greatest Hits
Subject: The bands logo, centre frame on what could be the side of an aeroplane which could have reference to the track Learn To Fly.
Location: Side of an aeroplane.
Location: Side of an aeroplane.
Colours: Black and red, trademark Foo Fighter colour theme. Also use of silver as the background colour to bring out the black and red of album title and band name.
Font: Font stands out and grabs the attention of the audience, distinctive font for the logo that fans will easily recognise and be able to relate to.
Editing: Edited so the logo looks like it's on the side of an aeroplane and is a form of identity and could represent relationship between pilot and passengers (band and audience members)
Symbolism: Band fans will quickly identify with the bands logo. Logo creates artist image or identity.
Composition: Foo Fighters logo centre frame with band name at the top of the image and the title of the album at the bottom. Simple design as the band are already well established and fans and audience members will easily be able to relate to them and the type of product they produce or have produced in the past to form the greatest hits album.
Font: Font stands out and grabs the attention of the audience, distinctive font for the logo that fans will easily recognise and be able to relate to.
Editing: Edited so the logo looks like it's on the side of an aeroplane and is a form of identity and could represent relationship between pilot and passengers (band and audience members)
Symbolism: Band fans will quickly identify with the bands logo. Logo creates artist image or identity.
Composition: Foo Fighters logo centre frame with band name at the top of the image and the title of the album at the bottom. Simple design as the band are already well established and fans and audience members will easily be able to relate to them and the type of product they produce or have produced in the past to form the greatest hits album.
Album: All The Right Reasons
Subject: Car driving down what appears to be a never ending road with either the sun setting or a storm in the background.
Location: Long endless road, during storm or whilst sun sets.
Location: Long endless road, during storm or whilst sun sets.
Colours: Mixture of black for the road and white for the title of the album and also in the sky well as blue for the a dark blue for the side of the road and then orange for the sunset. Subtle colours used, nothing to overpowering. Mostly dark colours which fits into the typical Rock convention of dark clothing and a darkened image.
Font: Trademark Nickelback font that bands fans and audience members will easily relate to. Bigger font for the title of the band and smaller font for the album. All capitals, draws in audience.
Editing: The sides of the image have been edited to draw focus to the car. Looks like car is driving at some speed, time looks like it is passing which could represent how much time the band have spent on the album.
Composition: The car could play reference to the track Follow You Home on the album.
Props: The band are not seen on the front cover, creates a sense of hidden and identity, entices the audience to find out more about the artist and it's product.
Font: Trademark Nickelback font that bands fans and audience members will easily relate to. Bigger font for the title of the band and smaller font for the album. All capitals, draws in audience.
Editing: The sides of the image have been edited to draw focus to the car. Looks like car is driving at some speed, time looks like it is passing which could represent how much time the band have spent on the album.
Composition: The car could play reference to the track Follow You Home on the album.
Props: The band are not seen on the front cover, creates a sense of hidden and identity, entices the audience to find out more about the artist and it's product.

Album: Nirvana
Subject: Title and name of the album on a black background.
Colours: Silver text on a black background makes the text stand out to the audience.
Font: Trademark Nirvana font for the band and album name. However audience members may not be able to relate to this all that easily as it's one of the bands early products, by using this font they are created an image or insignia that if used again audiences will be able to relate to easier.
Editing: Simple design, sense of mystery created, audience members want to find out more about the band.
Composition: One of the bands first albums, people won't know who they are so by creating a simple front cover it encourages audience members to want to find out more and by purchasing the album they get to do just that by seeing the inlays within the Digipack and listening to the bands music.Font: Trademark Nirvana font for the band and album name. However audience members may not be able to relate to this all that easily as it's one of the bands early products, by using this font they are created an image or insignia that if used again audiences will be able to relate to easier.
Editing: Simple design, sense of mystery created, audience members want to find out more about the band.
From this analysis that the majority of the Rock album front covers contain a form of band logo, artist name and album title. As a result of this, these factors will be looked a closely in preparation for creating our Rock Digipack.
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