Monday 1 October 2012

Raided By Waves Digipack

To accompany our Music Video we also have to create a Digipack. During our Preliminary Task I began to understand the process of designing and creating a Digipack for the Thrash Metal Genre, as a result of this I feel that I have some relevant knowledge of how to design and create a Digipack for the Genre of Rock and Raided By Waves. Having said this we will need to carry out some research into Rock Digipack cconcepts and designs to understand better how they are put together as this is the only to ensure we create an accurate and professional product. The Digipack will be important because It would be the main way Raided By Waves connects with its audience. The Digipack we have to create must appeal to our target audience and include a front and back cover as well as several inlays that fit into Rock Digipack conventions as well as a disc cover and spine. We will also need to include bar-codes, record labels and all the necessary legal jargon so that it is as authentic as possible.

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