Friday 19 October 2012

Music Video Risk Assessment

Just like in our Preliminary Task, I decided to write a Risk Assessment for the filming of our Music Video.

Location - Travelling to and across London to MTV

Risk - Could get lost or get attacked, hit when crossing roads

What we can do to reduce the risk - Always have someone on standby with a mobile phone in case of emergency and ensure we take a map with us so incase we get lost we can easily recalculate our route accordingly. Watch out for traffic when crossing roads.

Location - MTV Studios

Risk - Fire

What we can do to reduce the risk - Make sure that we know where all the fire exits are and are briefed about the companies fire drill policy. Always have someone on standby with a mobile phone in case of emergency.

Location - MTV Studios

Risk - Tripping over something, or falling over.

What we can do to reduce the risk - Remove anything within the studio that might cause a trip hazard such as lose cable. Always have someone on standby with a mobile phone in case of emergency.

Location - MTV Studios

Risk - Possible electrocution from equipment

What we can do to reduce the risk - Make sure all equipment as being fully tested and is in full working order. Always have someone on standby with a mobile phone in case of emergency.

It is important to wary of any risks involved when we go to film at MTV. I believe this Risk Assessment will certainly help us to remain safe whilst on our way to MTV and whilst filming.

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