Wednesday 3 October 2012

Audience Research Survery Results And Conclusions

We created a survey so that we could gain some crucial audience feedback, in order to attract our target audience when it comes to designing our music video, digipack and magazine article. We posted the survey on Facebook as we realized a majority of rock fans now use social networking sites such as this and it would be a great way to gain feedback. Here are the results from our audience survey;


Looking at the results we have gathered and based on our survey it could be argued that the majority of our audience are aged between 24-30 which is slightly older than the average age we have previously recorded (18-24) which however there is still some support for. This evidence provides a mostly positive correlation between our survey results and previous artist demographic analysis. From this we can conclude that our target audience is aged between 18-30. From the results of question two, four and six, it is clear that our audience want to see performance or concert based footage within our video and a clear artist image, which helps further back up our current decision to create a mainly performance based video. We also discovered that electric guitars and colors such as black are also considered important to our audience. For question five we asked our audience what sort of words they would associate with Rock these included "loud" "love" "emotive" and "energetic" which is useful for us to analyze when looking at how to create an effective narrative and performance combined. Finally, as for our narrative or storyline, from question six it is clear that a love story is valued or expected within a Rock music video.

I believe that by analyzing these results we can understand better what are audience want and expect to see within our Music Video, Digipack and Magazine Advert. This will extremely useful when designing and creating products that our target audience will approve of as well as being professional and authentic.

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