Subject: Advertising new album with three singles.
Fonts: Artist name is in the trademark Green Day font style, different font for Wake Me Up When September Ends to attract audiences eye and to compliment the meaning behind the song. Bold text for the information advertising and explaining products available.
Colours: Dominantly White, black and red. Skin tone used for the the leaders singers face which is the background for the top half of the advert.
Layout: Title of the artist at the top of the advert, products such as the album and singles, legal information, places of purchase and information about what is available and when is all strategically placed at the bottom of the advert.
Editing Edited to show performance, lead singer is looking up to the sky this could reference the track also advertised on the advert Wake Me Up When September ends.
Artist: The Stone Roses
Subject: Advertising the 20th anniversary of the original album by releasing a remastered version.
Fonts: Bold fonts used to grab the audiences attention, reviews are in bold text to take pride of place and make audience members see how respected and thought of they and the new album are.
Colours: Blue, red and white all trademark British and Stone Roses colours.
Layout: The album and reviews are at the top of the advert, underneath is a wrap around from the album itself and then at the bottom of the advert is information and what is available and where from.
Editing: Edited so that album is the main focus of the advert surrounded by reviews and ratings praising it. Album wrap is there so that audiences can relate the album cover to the advert and the album itself. Information about what is available is placed at the bottom discreetly to ensure audience members are aware of where they can purchase the product.
Artist: Blink 182
Subject: Advertising new album Neighborhoods
Fonts: Distinctive font used throughout the entire advert to attract audience and also similar to text seen within the Digipack of the actual album which audiences will relate to.
Colours: Black and White
Layout: Album is centre focus of the advert, the name of the album, artist and when it is available is underneath. Bands website and legal information as well as trademark logo are all situated at the bottom of the advert.
Editing: Album is once again the main focus of the advert, the title of the artist can been seen within the album front cover so fans and audiences will be able to relate to this. All necessary information such as when the album is released and the the bands website is strategically placed underneath so to inform the audience whilst maintaining what the actual advert is trying to promote.
Artist: Fall Out Boy
Subject: Advertising new Greatest Hits album
Fonts: Bold fonts to grab the audiences attention
Colours: Blue, white and black all colours which are seen on the front cover of the Greatest Hits album
Layout: The album cover is the entire background of the advert, title of the album and artist can be seen at the top and the release date and as well as whats included within the album itself can be seen at the bottom.
Editing: Simple editing with the album clearly the main focus being the background. The use of skeletons plays reference to "Believers Never Die" seen on the album front cover. Bold text is used to attract the audience and the use of short simple text easily and quickly informs audience members what they are looking at.
As a result of this analysis it is clear that the majority of Rock magazine adverts are based around an artists or bands album rather than a live performance and the album is usually situated at the top or centre of the advert with release dates, product information and legal necessities found at the bottom. We will look back at the analysis when we come to creating our advert to ensure we stick to the typical Rock Magazine advert conventions and create and authentic and professional product.
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