Wednesday 17 October 2012

Filming Schedule

The scheduled filming day for our music video is October 23rd which was agreed during our meeting with MTV last month. We are being given several hours to film in the hope that we can get all we need in one day. I have decided to draw a mini schedule for the plans and arrangements for day:

12:00 - Arrive at MTV studios with band

12:15 - Sort out costume and make up, make sure cameras are working and lighting is all sorted

1:00 - Start filming

2:30 - Break

3:00 - Continue filming

4:30 - Break

5:00 - Finish up filming

5:20 - Pack up equipment

6:00 - Leave 

I hope that by creating this schedule It will help to give us a better idea of timings and what we're meant to be doing and when. This will be useful when trying to sustain good time management on the day as it could get very busy. I also hope this will help us to remain professional and give us the best chance of capturing all the footage we need.

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