Friday 19 October 2012

Music Video Equipment

In order to make our video as authentic and professional as possible, whilst sticking to our Rock conventions we want to be able to use the best equipment available.

As a result of being able to film at the MTV studios in London we will also gain access to their equipment. We will be using their HD professional cameras which will help us to create a more high quality video as the cameras should be easy to operate and give us the best chance of capturing the footage we need , their lighting set up which we will be able to use to create our own lighting design for the video to help set the mood and tone, the dolly's for each individual camera which will enable us to capture a variety of shots as well as a vision mixer which means we will be able to line up different shots and practically edit on the go. We also plan to use the school iMacs to edit our finished video, we used these devices last year and are all comfortable with using them. Finally we also plan on taking a HDD with us to store our footage on and having a PA system set up in the studio so that we can play the song into the studio for the band to play along to when filming the video. We hope that as a result of all this we will be able to create the correct type of video for our genre as well as professional and realistic product.

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